What makes ASTI stands out from other Software Testing Training Providers?
There are lots of Software Testing Training providers in the US. There are few reasons why American Software Testing Institute become one of the best software testing training provider, and the Best Software Testing Course for Beginners.
Our Award-Winning Curriculum and Teaching Strategies are crafted by former Certified New York Educator who became Manual Tester, Automation Engineer, QA Lead and now Software Quality Engineering Manager at one of the Fortune 500 Companies.
We provide Occupational Training and Career Readiness for our students. We train you to become Workforce Ready. Our program is a comprehensive and intensive approach to Software Testing with Industry Standards skills as outlined by International Software Testing Qualifications Board, intended for absolute beginner, no technical skills and or no college background.
We apply Laws of Learning in all our trainings, emphasizing on Readiness, Exercise and Effect. We understand human behavior. We just don’ teach but coach. We provide interactive, engaging, empowering, fun and exciting ways of learning. We work on real and live projects during hands on lab.